Uploading the Images/Files And Downloaded the Uploaded Image/Files By Using Linq to sql
Create a Linq to Sql dbml file in model class and Build it...
Linq To Sql:
DBcontext.dbml :
Set Pk(Id) and Set Auto increment
Id int
FileName Varchar
FileData image
Controller Class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using MVC3FileUploadDownloadLINQ.Models;
namespace MVC3FileUploadDownloadLINQ.Controllers
public class TestController : Controller
// GET: /Test/
public ActionResult
FileUpload(HttpPostedFileBase Files)
DBContextDataContext dataContext = new DBContextDataContext();
foreach (string
upload in Request.Files)
//create byte array of size equal to file
input stream
byte[] fileData = new byte[Request.Files[upload].InputStream.Length];
//add file input stream into byte array
Request.Files[upload].InputStream.Read(fileData, 0, Convert.ToInt32(Request.Files[upload].InputStream.Length));
//create system.data.linq object using byte array
System.Data.Linq.Binary binaryFile = new System.Data.Linq.Binary(fileData);
//initialise object of FileDump LINQ to sql
class passing values to be inserted
FileDump record = new FileDump {
FileData = binaryFile, FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Request.Files[upload].FileName)
//call InsertOnsubmit method to pass new
object to entity
//call submitChanges method to execute
implement changes into database
var returnData = dataContext.FileDumps;
ViewData.Model = returnData.ToList();
return View();
public FileContentResult FileDownload(int id)
//declare byte array to get file content from database and
string to store file name
byte[] fileData;
string fileName;
//create object of LINQ to SQL class
DBContextDataContext dataContext = new DBContextDataContext();
//using LINQ expression to get record from database for
given id value
var record = from p in dataContext.FileDumps
where p.ID == id
select p;
//only one record will be returned from database as
expression uses condtion on primary field
//so get first record from returned values and retrive file
content (binary) and filename
fileData = (byte[])record.First().FileData.ToArray();
fileName = record.First().FileName;
//return file and provide byte file content and file name
return File(fileData, "text",
ViewBag.Title = "FileUpload";
<div id="UploadSection">
(Html.BeginForm("FileUpload", "Test", FormMethod.Post,
new { enctype = "multipart/form-data"
<br />
<p><input type="file" name="fileUpload1"
/> </p>
<p><input type="submit"
file" /></p>
<div id="ShowList" title="File List">
<table width="50%">
File ID
File Name
File Download
@foreach(var rec in
@Html.ActionLink("Download", "Filedownload",
new { id=rec.ID})
Happy Coding
Ur's Jagan
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