Multiple Radio Button List
in Asp.Net MVC3 or MVC4 Using Enum
Hi Developers,
I going to show the Mutiple
RadioButton List MVC3 using Enum .How To
show and save the particular radio button value in data base.
Model Property :
public BowlerType?
BowlerActive { get; set;
public enum BowlerType
Employeee Controller :
Here I’m creating a list
of items for Multiple radio button list
and returning.
private List<SelectListItem> BowlerActive()
var opt = new List<SelectListItem>();
opt.Add(new SelectListItem
{ Value = "Fast Medium", Text = "Fast Medium" });
opt.Add(new SelectListItem
{ Value = "Leg Spinner", Text = "Leg Spinner" });
opt.Add(new SelectListItem
{ Value = "Medium Pace", Text = "Medium Pace" });
opt.Add(new SelectListItem
{ Value = "Off Spinner", Text = "Off Spinner" });
return opt;
Suppose if want to create a some data regarding players
type details. In Controller directly u can assign into a some ViewData or
ViewBag or Session. so here I’m showing using ViewData how to bind into
particular list of items.
So now I’m going to show
the view how to retrieve the Radio Button gender list.
View :
@Html.RadioButtonFor(x =>
x.BowlerActive, "FastMedium")
@Html.RadioButtonFor(x =>
x.BowlerActive, "LegSpinner")
@Html.RadioButtonFor(x =>
x.BowlerActive, "MediumPace")
@Html.RadioButtonFor(x =>
x.BowlerActive, "OffSpinner")
Or Else
"] = new SelectList(BowlerActive
(), "Value", "Text");
@foreach (var
item in (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewData["BowlerActiveList"])
=> model.BowlerActive, new { @item.Value,
@item.Text })
<label for = @item.Value> @item.Text</label>
Note : when you are saving the Enum Type, before we
need to convert into Enum parse. Ex : BowlerActive =
Happy Coding...
Jagan Mohan